MUSTS for Hitting Your Goals in 2021

Amy Yamada
3 min readNov 11, 2020

We are in the final 2 months of 2020 and it’s a time when many of us are moving towards the holidays and you’re probably starting to think about your plan for 2021. I want to get out ahead of your planning process to give you 3 key MUSTS you need to consider as you head towards planning your next year. Let’s dive in!

1: Start Now

Start thinking about the year you want to have now. Don’t wait until the day before 2021. I’ve found over the years that the intention setting and vision casting process usually takes longer than I anticipate… and actually that’s a beautiful thing. I love getting to sit with my thoughts and letting them percolate in my mind for a few days or even weeks before I translate them into tangible goals.

Here are some different journaling or thinking prompts you can use to get started with your planning today:

  • Do I want to have a word for the new year? What word would it be?
  • What is my vision for each major life area? Relationships, Spiritual Growth, Health/Fitness, and Business are areas I usually look at, but you can use any categories you would like.
  • Picture you’re at a New Years’ Eve Party on 12/31/21, what do you want to be celebrating?

Enjoy getting lost in these questions for a bit — it’s really fun!

2: Go Big

Nothing is guaranteed for us and we cannot predict the future. Instead of letting that take you off course or allow you to become complacent, why not use it as a rallying call? Challenge yourself to go big and stretch beyond your comfort zone. This doesn’t always mean bigger money goals, it can involve goals in any area of your life, and it can even look like setting healthy boundaries in the areas that need them.

Here is some journal prompts to help you think this through:

  • How can I give more to my clients or serve them at higher levels?
  • How can I give back to my community or support organizations or people I care about?
  • What healthy boundaries do I need to set that will support my growth?

3: Stay Adaptable

I highly recommend practicing flexibility with your planning. What I love to do is set intentions and high-level visions for the year. Then I translate that high-level vision work into specific goals on a quarterly basis. This allows me to stay nimble and flexible if I decide to or need to change course at some point during the year. Plus I find that having a quarterly goal can help boost momentum because it feels more do-able to sprint towards a 12 seek goal vs a 52 week goal.

Have you tried planning your business goals in 90 day sprints? Comment below to let me know.

If you are a heart-centered coach, practitioner, service provider, or lightworker looking for support to build a successful and thriving business… I’m inviting you to receive more great training like this within the High Ticket Coaches Facebook group. It’s free to join! Become a member here:

