Is Your Call to Action Broken?

Amy Yamada
3 min readFeb 4, 2022

Try THIS Plug & Play CTA Template

One of the biggest problems that I see entrepreneurs struggle with is moving clients from their virtual events (think workshops, webinars, retreats) into the next step, which is usually booking a sales call or buying an offer.

You’re providing all of this great content, you’re connecting with your attendees and your audience, but when you go to make an offer, you hear crickets.

All of this work goes into:

  • Putting together your content
  • Setting up the tech used to present to your audience
  • Ad spend to promote your content
  • Making sure your content is on point

And then you question why it doesn’t convert into actual sales. When I dig deeper with those clients, I usually find a disconnect with their Call To Action (CTA).

The first important step when finding a clear CTA is to make sure that your message is easy to understand so that your audience knows where you are leading them. If you need help defining your message, you can read my two-part, “Defining Your Irresistible Message,” Part 1 and Part 2.

As I help my clients practice their CTA’s, I’ve noticed that they often stiffen up, their facial expressions change, and they get really uncomfortable. And when that happens, it really changes the whole direction of making their offer.

Because when you are uncomfortable, it makes everyone else uncomfortable. Your audience can feel that, which may be why they end up not taking the next step.

Most of the time, this is just nerves, and it takes practice. But, the more you do it, the easier it will get.

Here is a simple framework to help you clearly present your Call To Action!

Step #1: Create The Transition To Your Offer.

I created a free (name of your CTA) _____________ for you so that you can (what you help them to overcome) _____________.

This is how you offer them the next step to transition into your offer. For most of my clients are making CTAs to book a sales call.

They would say something like, “Hey! I’ve opened up my calendar, and I’m offering you a call with me about time management so that we can help you figure out where your time leaks are.”

Clearly stating the value of taking the next step will help them see exactly why they should work with you.

Step #2: Call Out The Pain Point

The reason I am offering (next step in your process)_____________ is because oftentimes, I see (describe your ideal client) _____________ struggling with(biggest pain point of your ideal client) _____________. If you can relate to this,(name your CTA) _____________ is designed to help you.

This is where you’ll want to bring out what they are in pain about. It could be that they feel shame about their body, that they are having trouble managing their time, or that they are having trouble eating healthy.

The key to having a call to action that people resonate with is that you are really seeing them and understanding the language they are using.

Using too much industry jargon can turn your clients off, or they may not understand what you are talking about.

Make sure your CTA calls out what they are struggling with, what you see in them, and what specifically you are going to do to help them out of the pain they are feeling at this moment.

Once you get comfortable with walking your clients through the Call To Action, you will be able to help even more people and create a lasting impact for your clients.

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